Ceres Lightbearers Pathfinder Club
Ceres Lightbearers is a local unit of the worldwide Pathfinders organization, a scouting style group for boys and girls from age 10 through adulthood. Pathfinders learn faith in God, orderly group discipline, extensive outdoor skills, leadership, and countless other important aspects of being good citizens and good Christians in today's world.
Pathfinder Pledge:
By the grace of God, I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
Pathfinder Law:
The Law is for me to:
Keep the morning watch
Do my honest part
Care for my body,
Keep a level eye
Be courteous and obedient
Walk softly in the sanctuary,
Keep a song in my heart,
Go on God's errands.
Ceres Pathfinders ride in the annual Bike-A-Thon.
Click here or on the logo above to go to the North American Pathfinders Headquarters web site.
Uniform information can be found here A diagram of placement for the uniform patches is available here.
Pathfinder Calendar